Every Industry has its own very special challenges. The path to Digitalisation has progressed to varying degrees in each of them.
Discover our selection of digital use cases and their related Industries. Yours is not listed, or not explicitly? Contact us!
Solution Selections
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Pharma and Chemicals
Smart Tracking
Automatic Outgoing Pallet Detection
Tracking all outgoing pallets with passive RFID tags. The challenge with manual work is, that workers need to touch the assets or SHUs. RFID tags are cheap and easy to attach.
RFID Receiving in Pharma Warehouse
Tracking all incoming pharmaceutical assets with passive RFID tags. Workers do not need to manually declare goods arriving at a warehouse.
Cold Chain
Humidity Condition Track & Trace
Track humidity conditions in e.g., containers in your supply chain to ensure compliance and quality of your end point delivery
Monitoring drug-specific conditions in Warehouse
Tracking of warehouse temperature and humidity to ensure consistency for sensitive goods.
Quality Assurance
Camera-based in-line Quality Inspection
Automating visual inspection gives better accuracy, repeatability and in effect better quality control.
Sensor-based in-line Quality Inspection
Effective error-proofing programs use sensor data to eliminate errors and quality deviations as an integral part of the manufacturing process.
Root Cause Analysis of Quality Deviations
Automated Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is the process of identifying factors that cause defects or quality deviations in the manufactured product.
Condition Monitoring
Condition indicators enable fact-based decisions about when to perform maintenance, lead to reduced costs, and advance warning of impending risks of failure and higher safety.
Predictive Maintenance
Automating visual inspection gives better accuracy, repeatability and in effect better quality control.
Digital twin of production equipment
Production Equipment Monitoring, thanks to IoT sensors, the twin can receive continuous, real-time data from the object.
Connected Lab
Autonomous Robots
Integration of autonomous robots, which can move through a lab/manufacturing plant capturing useful information (e.g. weight, size) and sorting parcels to the right machine.
Demand Forecasting
Forecasting of demand of raw materials and APIs, depending on sales and usage, based on historical data.

Discrete Manufacturing
Condition Monitoring and Digital Twin
Condition Monitoring
Condition indicators enable fact-based decisions about when to perform maintenance, lead to reduced costs, and advance warning of impending risks of failure and higher safety.
Predictive Maintenance
Track all the workings of machinery and gain granular visibility across all operations to make predictions and decisions based upon new data without the need for human involvement.
Production Supply Chain
Autonomous Robots
Integration of autonomous robots, which can move through a lab/manufacturing plant capturing useful information (e.g. weight, size) and sorting parcels to the right machine.
Asset Tracking
Ensure factual decision-making and stringent implementation to develop a long-term strategy for your asset portfolio. Develop a sound basis for deciding on investments and prioritization of actions.
Quality Assurance
Camera-based in-line Quality Inspection
Automating visual inspection gives better accuracy, repeatability and in effect better quality control.
Sensor-based in-line Quality Inspection
Effective error-proofing programs use sensor data to eliminate errors and quality deviations as an integral part of the manufacturing process.
Root Cause Analysis of Quality Deviations
Automated Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is the process of identifying factors that cause defects or quality deviations in the manufactured product.
Shopfloor Visibility
Digital Shopfloor Board
Real time visibility and Visual Performance Management as an element of an efficient “Lean” implementation, heling to identify problems and assist in resolving them.
Condition Monitoring
Condition indicators enable fact-based decisions about when to perform maintenance, lead to reduced costs, and advance warning of impending risks of failure and higher safety.
Machine Data Acquisition to optimize OEE
With all machine data captured, OEE can be displayed with historical trends and a granular information shown in order to measure and improve OEE.
Public Sector
Enhanced City Operations
Parking Ground Sensors
In-ground parking sensors to detect the occupancy timing and status of each parking spot. This helps controlling vehicles that might have violated the parking terms.
Trash Bins Waste Optimization
The installation of sensors, RFID and NFC technologies allows monitoring the current fill-level of trash bins and containers in real time to optimize its waste collection.
Connected Train
Connecting trains, tracks and stations allows the control of water tanks level remotely, doors openings, rail temperature & vibration, battery systems, in order to lower operating expenses and to simplify maintenance.
Traffic congestion Reduction
Urban Planning System
Deployment of sensors that allow to detect road occupancy patterns by visualizing traffic flow and density.
Trash Bins Waste Optimization
These applications allow to optimize city’s vehicles use, divert traffic in the case of an incident and protect the assets using geolocation. When linked to air quality monitoring, it helps preventing pollution spikes.
Pollution Reduction
Water Management
Deployment of water measurement sensors to track to identify leaks, better manage the water consumption and create awareness of where water is used.
Irrigation Clocks
Smart irrigation clocks automatically adjust the watering schedule to save water, eliminate wasteful runoff, and apply the right amount of water for the plants.
IoT Enabled Air Monitors
These monitors can detect microscopic pollutants, constantly assess the air and provide immediate, real-time updates to a central location.

Food & Beverage
Supply Chain
Supply Chain Management
IoT is used to manage logistics in moving food & beverages from manufacturing and packaging site to shelves, by monitoring environmental conditions of cargo and tracking shipment, to ensure minimal spoilage.
Cold Storage Management
Capturing temperature anomalies in the cold storage process by deploying sensors, accessing and pre-processing sensor data, defining the temperature event envelope, implementing decision functions for detecting the event.
Product Traceability
Automated Optical Identification System with multiple cameras to identify bar codes, data codes, and characters on beverage containers with the aim of increasing traceability.
Smart Factories
Digital Shopfloor Board
Real time visibility and Visual Performance Management as an element of an efficient “Lean” implementation, heling to identify problems and assist in resolving them.
Camera-based in-line Quality Inspection
Automating the visual inspection gives better accuracy, repeatability and in effect better quality control.
Condition Monitoring
Condition indicators enable fact-based decisions about when to perform maintenance, lead to reduced costs, and advance warning of impending risks of failure and higher safety.
Food Quality
IoT-Based Food Contamination Tracking
Maintain suitable conditions for stored food, by monitoring the temperature and humidity of the environment and determining the status of the food by the use of IoT sensors.
Predictive Maintenance
Track all the workings of machinery and gain granular visibility across all operations to make predictions and decisions based upon new data without the need for human involvement.
Oil & Gas
Predictive Maintenance
Remote analysis of equipment, maintenance schedule tracking and malfunction prevention to restrict losses caused by inefficiency and help protect full-scale failures and equipment damage.
Predictive Maintenance
Track all the workings of machinery and gain granular visibility across all operations to make predictions and decisions based upon new data without the need for human involvement.
Refinery Monitoring
Accurate, real-time quality data on pipe thickness, pressure and flow rate allows the refinery to run at higher capacity, limit the personnel needed to manually monitor the amount of equipment that requires wired communications.
Tanker Fleets Tracking
Tracking the location of any tanker and its condition, providing updates on the current state of equipment and responding to any changes in equipment operation, as well as update business-critical software in real-time.
Wellhead and Pumpjack Monitoring
Gathering data to suggest injection of chemicals or steam into the well, or what kind of vacuum pressures are optimal given the conditions to reduce operating expenses, ensure safety and regulatory compliance.
Pipeline Monitoring
The integration of M2M oil and gas solutions allows to monitor pipeline components and wait for maintenance, pump and filter replacement until the performance of the system starts to decline.
Cargo Shipping
Gathering data from points that are not easily accessible by the personnel and determining the location, settlements, and when and where the cargo was delivered or compromised

Payment Execution

IoT Automated Payments
Enabling devices to perform transactions with machines in real-time without any human interaction

Wallet of Things
Embedding any connected device with payment functionalities to eliminate the need for physical credit cards and enable payments right to any terminals with a smart device

Smart Payment Contracts
Facilitating, verifying, and enforcing the negotiation or performance of contracts using IoT, together with smart contracts and digital identity, to make payments self-executing and self-enforcing.
Identification & Authentication

Wet Ink
Allowing customers to remotely sign through any touch screen device, so that the signature can be cloned onto paper to conduct business when not physically present.

Mobile Biometric Check
Cutting-edge contactless technology to automatically detect and capture fingerprints in order to enable multi factor authentication and a more rapid access to the online banking service
Facial Recognition Payment
Implementation of facial payment system to pay at restaurants, convenience stores or use powered ATMs to speed up lines.
Risk Management Fine-Tuning

Leasing Finance Automation
Providing important data points for pricing of leased assets by real time monitoring wear and tear of assets as well as metrics, such as asset usage and idle time, using IoT devices.

Credit Card Fraud Detection
Improving the detection of credit card fraud cases by using mobile geolocation data in real time as an additional input into the credit card’s predictive fraud analytics
Condition Monitoring
Production line productivity can be increased by eliminating downtimes, discovering deteriorating process quality before impact on assembly quality. Efficient planning and replacement timeline while ensuring the necessary workarounds until replacement equipment is installed.
Machine Data Acquisition to measure Productivity
To start with industrial digitalization, machine data acquisition is key. Data of downtime, maintenance, and production are tracked, saved, and shown in a dashboard.

Machine Data Acquisition to optimize OEE
With all machine data captured, OEE can be displayed with historical trends and a granular information shown in order to measure and improve OEE.

AGV for Finished Goods Transportation
The AGV is an automatic guided vehicle that can transport materials internally within factories and a host of the other industrial locations. The user provides the destination of product delivery via a web interface.

Preventive Maintenance for AGV Fleet
The user can simulate the AGVs utilization rate based on his incoming orders. He can see the expected average load, average weekly KM and the time unloaded (the % of time the AGV drives without a load).
Quality Assurance
Camera-based in-line Quality Inspection
Automating the visual inspection, using CAD-Models already available from the product planning phase to check all product variants on the assembly line for misplaced or wrong components
Sensor-based in-line Quality Inspection
Quality control hubs require a steady diet of measurement data to feed statistical process control, trending and analysis. 3D smart sensors deliver high-density measurement data on all variety of car part shapes and sizes, at high speed and with micron accuracy.
Predictive Maintenance
Senor track all critical components of machinery and provide application algorithms making predictions and suggesting a maintenance schedule which better matches the progressive deterioration of the wear and tea components of production assets.

Utilities and Smart Grid

Automated meter reading
IoT brings effective and scalable grid automation in a wide urban area with smart electricity meters. IoT utility metering and submetering allow to monitor electricity usage remotely and reduce billing costs by eliminating manual meter readings and errors.
Fraud, leaks and power losses detection
Electric power diversion detection based on real-time, continuous, and localized analysis of changes in electric current flows and voltage levels in the distribution network. Distinguish legitimate metered loads versus those from theft.

Grid equipment monitoring
Monitoring operating conditions in medium/low voltage street cabinets (temperature, humidity, vibration, door contact, pulse…) for unauthorized openings and overheating detection; monitoring lightning impact on network infrastructure using connected surge arresters;
Gas Management

Safety and System Integrity monitoring
Smart Gas IoT solution allow to visualize what’s happening inside gas pipelines: pressure changes, temperature, pipeline stress via strain gauges, the status of cathodic protection to maintain safe delivery operations and meet regulatory requirements.

Methane sensing and gas leaks control
Monitor changing levels of methane using smart methane sensors. Remote disconnect valves are used to shut off gas service when elevated levels of methane are detected, alleviating potentially dangerous situations before they arise, keeping utility personnel and customers safe.

Automated gas meter reading
Remotely measure gas flow rate through pipes and visualize gas consumption, with the ability to view usage trends. Reduce billing costs by eliminating manual meter readings and reading errors
Water Management

Water leakage detection
Reduce non-revenue water losses through quick detection of water leaks and instances of fraud, using connected sensors, and address leaks prior to them becoming costly main breaks. Improve water management to ensure sustainable management of water resources and to enhance revenue collection.

Pressure and quality monitoring
Operate a continuous health monitoring of the water distribution system, with synchronized pressure, flow and quality measurements using connected IoT sensors. Advanced sensing data can be correlated with other data to enhance analysis, reporting, and prioritization of problem-solving.
Agriculture and Farming
Water Management

Climate Condition Monitoring
Smart farming sensors located across the field collect various data from the environment and send it to the cloud. The provided measurements can be used to map the climate conditions, choose the appropriate crops, and take the required measures to improve their capacity.

Greenhouse Management
The use of IoT sensors enables them to get accurate real-time information on greenhouse conditions such as lighting, temperature, soil condition, and humidity Smart sprinklers controller that allows to manage irrigation and lighting systems based on AI.

Precision Farming
By using IoT sensors, farmers can collect a vast array of metrics on every facet of the field microclimate and ecosystem: lighting, temperature, soil condition, humidity, CO2 levels, and pest infections. This data enables farmers to estimate optimal amounts of water, fertilizers, and pesticides that their crops need, reduce expenses, and raise better and healthier crops

LiveStock Health Monitoring
Use of a wearable device capable of monitoring the herd in real time on a series of strategic parameters, such as the health status and stress levels of the livestock And early detection of diseases such as ketosis, mastitis or digestive problems

Animal 3D and IDA positioning system
Virtual Assistant service that provides the farmer with information on the location, breeding and health of the animals directly on a mobile device. IDA combines sensor technologies, cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence.
Harvest Optimization

Crop Management
Crop management devices, placed in the field to collect data specific to crop farming (temperature, leaf water potential) can help monitoring crop growth and detect anomalies to prevent diseases or infestations.

After Harvest Loss Reduction
Through real-time data tracking, IoT sensors can measure fruit and vegetables’ properties, to control the growing conditions and determine the best harvest date to reduce the amount of lost stock before it enters the supply chain.

Maritime Operations
Performance Tracking, Fuel and Energy Management
Vessel Performance
Metering and real-time condition monitoring of vessel performance. Allowing benchmarking and best practice identification as well as remote service optimization for shipping company and equipment manufacturers.
Fleet Tracking
Easy connective and IoT technologies for vessel fleet tracking and tracing of stolen vehicles and assets with reliable notifications, alarms and localization abilities using GPS and other location technologies.

Planning & Fuel Optimization
Digital solution using real time condition and operation data from vessel, weather and other data allowing fleet Managers to make best routing decision and fuel purchase decisions to keep fuel consumptions and costs down.
Maintenance and Operations

Maintenance Optimization
Digital solution that provides transparent data on operations, conditions and driver behavior, proposing and planning maintenance events and supporting service with augmented reality and
Port Operations
Digital solution to integrates dynamic mapping and real time traffic information to optimize port operations of individual ships or complete ports. Collect data from different sources for real time operation decisions.
Maritime Logistics
Digital solutions that realizes a predictive analytics to help organizations to make smarter decisions for route and delivery planning, real-time inventory tracking and warehousing in maritime logistics.
Maritime Fleet Management

Digital Vessel Fleet Management
Complete vessel fleet management solutions to reduced communication effort as real-time data is automatically collected, combined, centrally organized and analyzed. Customized for your fleet operations.
Pulp and Paper
Gas Management

OEE Real Time Monitoring
With all machine data captured, OEE can be displayed with historical trends and a granular information shown in order to measure and improve OEE.
Unplanned Downtime of Archaic Equipment
Line productivity can be increased by eliminating downtimes discovering deteriorating process quality before impact on assembly quality.
Automated gas meter reading
Condition indicators enable fact-based decisions about when to perform maintenance, lead to reduced costs, and advance warning of impending risks of failure and higher safety.

Autonomous Sorting Robots for DCs & HUBs
Using AGVs to transport packages and sort them according to the rules applied in the HUB.

Drone Based Inventory Mngt
Drones have been interfaced with the Wi-Fi, camera module and hence can be able to perform image processing which is required to scan the barcode to note the information related to a particular product.
Cardboard Quality Assurance
Computer Vision for Cardboard Monitoring
Track all the workings of machinery and gain granular visibility across all operations to make predictions and decisions based upon new data without the need for human involvement.
Sensor-based in-line Cardboard Inspection
Effective error-proofing programs use sensor data to eliminate errors and quality deviations as an integral part of the manufacturing process.
Paper Strength Predictive Maintenance
AI technology analyzes paper strength and generates predictions on paper breaks during the production on the basis of parameters collected in real time.

Quality Assurance

Process Traceability and Genealogy
Achieving Process Traceability with end-to-end batch wise process genealogy from mining to distribution
Machine Data Acquisition to optimize OEE
With all machine data captured, OEE can be displayed with historical trends and a granular information shown in order to measure and improve OEE.
Camera-based in-line Quality Inspection
Automating visual inspection gives better accuracy, repeatability and in effect better quality control.
Predictive Maintenance

Billet Temperature and Preheating Management
Recording the temperature data enables quick investigation and countermeasures when a quality problem arises in a subsequent process.

Flow Management of Mold Release Agent
Flow management is required at many different points in a large facility, so it is difficult to record the data manually. Networking of equipment allows easy data confirmation to achieve efficient flow management.
Checking the Gap Between Rollers
Measuring the gap between the work rollers, which determines the plate thickness accuracy and flatness. The continuous monitoring of numerical data allows countermeasures against errors to be taken in real time to minimize downtime.
Green Factory

Emission Rate Monitoring
Measuring airflow, dust, the concentration of air pollutants (such as SO2, NOx, CO, etc.), and other parameters related to emissions.

Energy Consumption Management
Improving real-time energy balance by accurate power demand forecasting and production scheduling
Logistics and Transportation
Smart Tracking
Humidity Condition Track & Trace
Track humidity conditions in e.g., containers in your supply chain to ensure compliance and quality of your end point delivery

Demand Forecasting
Tracking of warehouse temperature and humidity to ensure consistency for sensitive goods.

Asset & Fleet Utilization
By connecting machinery and vehicles to a central system, IoT enables warehouse managers to monitor all assets in real time. Managers can be alerted when an asset is being over-utilized or when an idle asset should be deployed to do other tasks.
Shipment Tracing
Identifying shipments like pallets, cartonage or boxes in inbound area with 4k Cameras to uniquely trace their journey in the warehouse from receiving to putaway and outbound. Cameras recognize patterns and movements to provide exact last-seen-at information of SHUs.
Automatic Outgoing Pallet Detection
Tracking all outgoing pallets with passive RFID tags. The challenge with manual work is, that workers need to touch the assets or SHUs. RFID tags are cheap and easy to attach.
Production Supply
Preventive Maintenance for AGV Fleet
The user can simulate the AGVs utilization rate based on his incoming orders. He can see the expected average load, average weekly KM and the time unloaded (the % of time the AGV drives without a load).

AGV for Finished Goods Transportation
The AGV is an automatic guided vehicle that can transport materials internally within factories and a host of the other industrial locations. The user provides the destination of product delivery via a web interface.

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